MD: Registered sex offenders living next to Maryland schools, parents outraged that it’s legal

Source: 3/18/23

BALTIMORE (WBFF) — Registered sex offenders living just feet from schools – it sounds like a parent’s nightmare. But WBFF found that it’s happening in Maryland, and it’s perfectly legal.

Registered sex offenders living next to Maryland schools, parents outraged that it’s legal (WBFF)
“I didn’t think that was possible,” said Casey Gerlach, a Baltimore County mother.

“It’s terrifying,” added another Baltimore County mother Mary Frances Gensor.

Maryland is home to about 6,500 registered sex offenders. According to the sex offender registry, nine offenders in seven locations live within one mile of the Rodgers Forge Tot Lot bench, where Gerlach and Gensor spoke with WBFF. But it’s specifically where two sex offenders live that left them stunned.

“What did you think the law was?” asked WBFF’s Chris Papst.

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I always laugh at stuff like this. The fool probably has a convicted murderer next door to them and doesn’t even know due to no registry, or the next door neighbor is making meth, about to blow the houses up…….

What is the alleged incident data related to the individuals living so close to these entities? That would be the first question I would ask for, the historical data for alleged incidents as a neighbor of these places.

People want to put thoughts into other’s minds about possibilities, then they ought to be looking into a mirror when they ask that question because they’re just as possible to be a person who commits a sex crime against these young people.

Last edited 3 days ago by TS

What is interesting, is this news article is almost 2 years old. I wonder if anything has changed?

“I personally believe in recovery,” Gerlach said. “But I think there are some crimes that are just, you know, you’re going to have to live with them for the rest of your life and the consequences of your actions for the rest of your life even if you are reformed.”

What a ignorant and uneducated statement, I feel better that these self righteous women who have never done anything wrong or know someone who are perfect are walking around.

I hope this goes nowhere and one of the reasons why I voted against Dan Cox. PFR aren’t the ones currently committing sex crimes in Maryland and the other 49 states. People believe the registry will keep them safe, but they are the same ones who don’t trust the government. Maybe they should use common sense and put away their pitchforks.

Have they tried crying harder?

I wonder what morel turpitude they have been involved in. Typically the self righteous and hysterical are guilty of a lot. “Me thinks thou dost protest too much”

This is also a great example that shows how evil the country can be. After all, this country believes in trying to force peoples kids into a childhood of poverty and hardship by denying their parents a decent job, and making it harder for the kids to get to school. At no point in the registry do they even take into consideration said person may be a parent with custody of their kids.The land of the free and opportunity……….only for some…

It is refreshing to see people speaking the truth about the Registry! Ms. Gerlach is out there telling it like it really is!

“…life and the consequences of your actions for the rest of your life even if you are reformed.”

Admitting to the whole world that the registry is just vedictive consequences that will be applied, even if there is no reason to! Forcing people to abide by whatever nonsense the tyranny of the majority feels like throwing at them, just because they feel like it. Making up lies to justify meaningless laws that serve no other purpose but to satisfy people’s desire to subject PFRs to vindictive pains and penalties.

We need millions more people just like her out there making the pointless vindictiveness of these counter-productive restrictions impossible to deny. Clearly stating that the whole point of the registry is simply to apply consequences, and that it doesn’t need to serve any other purpose but that. Subjecting PFRs to a lifetime of petty, pointless, counter-productive, vindictive laws is what it does, just like they want.

Thank you Ms. Gerlach for saying the truth that lying politicians have been getting complacent Judges to deny for over 20 years now!